POISON RUÏN with D. Sablu and Dracula

October 01, 2023
DOORS: 8:00 pm
SHOW: 9:00 pm
DOORS: 8:00 pm
SHOW: 9:00 pm
Tickets :
Philadelphia’s Poison Ruïn first emerged in April of 2020 with their eponymous EP, which was followed shortly by a second eponymous EP the following February, both self-released. While they share a certain affinity for rough-around-the-edges, lo-fidelity stones with their compatriots Devil Master and Sheer Mag, Poison Ruïn wants things bleaker. The up-tempo guitar heroics of their first two EPs (which were collectively released as a S/T LP in February of 2021) have been dragged through the trenches, emerging as a heavy morass of breathless gloom. With Harvest, Poison Ruïn have constructed a richly chilling fable out of modern living. Their tale is as lurid as it is seductive, as much a promising fantasy as it is a dreary portrait of reality itself.